Another record breaking World Spay Month!
March 4, 2019
The port project
June 20, 2019Dear Crooked Face,
We look back at the start of our Nine Lives family and cannot recall one day that you, such a sweet cat, were not a part of our lives. Some eleven years ago you showed up at the wall at Trasillou Street and just like that entered our lives and hearts for ever.
Our founders named you Crooked Face because of the patterns of your facial fur and you welcomed the name with no complaints.
You saw our family growing and we saw you growing as well. Always there with your brother Vakhos and later your beloved lady Batman. We could not protect your brother from the driving of an inhuman person but you did not blame us and stayed with the family.

One year ago the irony of your name started becoming unbearable. The cancer started disfiguring your face and on several occasions we had to keep you in for treatment for extended periods of time. You, as resilient as ever, welcomed the temporary “imprisonment’ without any complaints, always as engaging as ever, gentle and kind as ever.
Do you remember the two occasions that you escaped by jumping a three meter wall and ran back to meet up with lovely Batman? We took you back but could not help noticing the sarcasm and satisfied smile on your face. Daredevil jumps at the age of ninety three? What were you thinking, Crooked Face ?

And then it was the overwhelming support for you, like we witnessed for no other, that warmed our hearts and made our family even stronger. Humongous packages of food and supplies from Berlin, Germany; parcels from Thessaloniki; loving cards and even medicine poured in from everywhere. Your fight for life inspired so many.
Yes, don’t worry, Crooked Face, we thank them all for you.
We also thank you for hugging us until the last minute and for making that extraordinary and full of pride walk, just hours before you left us, at Trasillou Street.
In great style, Crooked Face, you gave your farewells to your loved ones. And of course Batman was there. She could not have possibly missed it. And we saw the sadness in both of your faces and it broke our hearts.
Farewell Crooked Face. You will always be part of our family. Thank you for being such a source of inspiration.