Happy Endings
June 23, 2019
365 days with Nine Lives!
October 15, 2019With the compassionate help of a Nine Lives volunteer, Niki a rescued cat, struggled through 5 months of recurring vet treatments until she’s now almost as good as new.

Niki was caught after being spotted a second time looking sickly and with a nose full of pus.

Rescued cat, Niki, sniffs bags of food donated by Purina
We first came across this black and white cat in February outside the house of an elderly man who was feeding her. She was thin as can be, her nose was filled with pus and she had difficulty breathing. These symptoms are what kept her from eating and caused her to lose weight until she was as thin as the proverbial rail.
About 3 days later we were finally able to catch Niki and brought her to the vet. After treatment we returned her to her colony. But then in April, we spotted her again looking sickly and again with a nose full of pus. At this point the elderly man was no longer able to take care of her. So once again we caught her and brought her to the vet. She stayed at the vet for much needed treatments and was sterilized while at the same time. Aside from her respiratory problems she was now diagnosed with ringworm.
At this point we couldn’t send her back to her colony in this condition so we found a foster home for her to stay in. There she was given all the medication and care she needed. She even got a donation of food from Friskies, a sometimes sponsor of ours. Niki now started gaining weight and recovering from her surgery.
A month later, in May, Niki went back to the vet. Her surgery wound was completely healed, however, her respiratory problems had not disappeared so she needed more meds and injections as well.
Throughout all of this, Niki was a loving cat. She was friends with another stray with health issues and liked to keep him company in his time of need.
In June Niki went for a checkup. The vet saw improvement but she needed to continue with her meds and injections. She was amazingly cool about it!
Finally, in July the vet told us that she had improved significantly. She no longer needed injections and she just needed to have an antibiotic once a day for her respiratory condition.
Though Niki is on the road to recovery, she will need medication from time to time. She is a very easy going and independent kitty who is not overly demanding. She has made it this far and now just needs a permanent home with kind humans to care for her. If you’d like to know more about this brave kitty, please contact us at Nine Lives Greece
- Rescued cat, Niki, after a recent a checkup. She is well on the way to recovery.
- Rescued cat, Niki, now very close to full health, sits with her water bowl and looks at us with her pretty green eyes.
- During a period of constant vet visits, rescued cat, Niki, was often sent back to her foster home with meds.
- Nearly restored to health, rescued cat, Niki is looking good!
- On her third visit to the vet, rescued cat, Niki, was diagnosed with ringworm as well as her other problems.