World Spay Day 2015 a huge success!

Thanks to the Friends of Nine Lives, all 150 cats in our World Spay Day gallery have been neutered!

Acropoli area cats trapped and ready to be spayed

Acropoli area cats trapped and ready to be spayed

February 24, 2015 was World Spay Day, the Humane Society International’s global campaign to promote spaying/neutering as a proven way to reduce stray cat populations and improve their everyday quality of life.

For the last 3 years, Nine Lives Greece has participated in World Spay Day by spreading the word about spay/neuter and by reaching out to our supporters to help us spay as many cats as possible.

This year, thanks to our volunteers, we created the World Spay Day gallery of 150 cats that urgently needed to be spayed or neutered and gave you the chance to choose the cat you wanted to sponsor. The result was overwhelming. In one week, we had raised the funds needed to neuter half of the cats in our gallery. And just one week later, every single cat in our gallery had been sponsored.

Since then, all 150 cats have been neutered and returned to their colonies, where they will have the best chance of living a long and healthy life. Thank you!

Floga, one of the 150 cats in our World Spay Day gallery has happily been sponsored to be spayed

Floga, one of the 150 cats in our World Spay Day gallery has happily been sponsored to be spayed

Nine Lives volunteers work throughout the year, feeding, rescuing the injured, looking for forever homes and providing medical care to those most in need, and our trap-neuter-return program is at the core of our work.

The 150 cats in our gallery are just a fraction of the cats who need help each year and it is never too late to contribute to this cause.

From all of us at Nine Lives Greece, including 150 very happy felines, we thank you from the bottom of our paws!

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